Fun Feud Trivia: Name A Fruit Put In Margaritas

Name A Fruit Put In Margaritas: Fun Feud Trivia Answers

Fun Feud Trivia Name A Fruit Put In Margaritas answers with the score, cheat and answers are provided on this page, This game is developed by Super Lucky Games LLC and it is available on the Google PlayStore & Apple AppStore. Fun Feud Trivia has exciting trivia games to train your brain with addicting trivia games Challenge your family, and feud with your friends. Enjoy our new trivia games with levels offline. Solve over 10,000 trivia questions that are easy to play and difficulty increases as you go.

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Name A Fruit Put In Margaritas (With Score):

  • Lime: 46
  • Strawberries: 31
  • Lemon: 10
  • Pineapple: 4
  • Peach: 3

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