EnigmBox: Broken Heart (Level 10) Solution

EnigmBox #10 Broken Heart Detailed Hint and Answer

Enigmbox: Broken Heart solution with detailed hints and walkthrough. This level is solved in this post, Scroll below to find the complete Guide.

Enigmbox is a think outside the box puzzle game available for android devices on Google PlayStore and for iOS devices you can download it from App Store. This game is different from other puzzle games as every level is different and you have to do different task in every level mostly using powers of your phone such as Camera, Touch, Shake, Vibrate and other sensors including gyroscope and light sensor. In each puzzle you have to type some code and then tap the heart to pass that level, I will help you if you are stuck at nay level.

Click Here For EnigmBox Other Levels 

Enigmbox level 10:

Hint: You have some broken heart pieces you have to collect them all. Just look around you using camera (check all directions and up and down) and you will see all 4 parts of heart just click on those hearts when you find them. See image below:

Index of all Enigmbox levels

If You have any doubt or you are unable to solve, You can comment on this post I will be happy to help you. If you have solved this level using hints provided by me, You can also thank me in comments or e-mail at androidlegend@yandex.com

6 thoughts on “EnigmBox: Broken Heart (Level 10) Solution

  • December 28, 2019 at 05:08

    I have tried several times and the last part of the heart never shows. There must be some other hint to that.

    • January 16, 2020 at 08:18

      Turn cellphone to horizontal left, roll back the part on top (right part of cellphone is up). Tadaaa!

    • April 25, 2023 at 14:54

      Нужно покрутиться или как говорится обернутся вокруг себя медленно и поднимать, опускать камеру. Я 3 раза прокрутился и получилось 👍

  • December 23, 2019 at 17:09

    No matter how hard I try, I cant seem to find the rightmost piece. Where is it located?


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