All Light Pack E level 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 & 36 Help
All Light Pack E Level 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 & 36, Detailed Hints and Walkthrough. Here you will find answers to all Given levels.
All Light – a puzzle game developed by Soulgit Games. Available for Android devices on Google PlayStore. ALL LIGHT is a wire connection puzzle game that contains 420+ puzzles with increasing difficulty packed in 7 packs A B C D E F and G, Each pack consists of 60 puzzles. If you love puzzle games, then you must play this game. In this game you have to connect battery to various lamps but you have to keep in mind that you cannot connect more or fewer wires and all bulbs should be connected. This puzzle game has amazing graphics with soothing sound effects. You can take a hint in 5 coins and you can purchase ad free version. Here I have solved all the puzzles to help you if you are stuck at any pack or any level. Scroll Below to find Solutions.
- Link the battery to the light bulbs to turn them ON!
- Connect bulbs (lamps) with battery to turn on them.
- Turn on all bulbs by connecting with energy source to solve each puzzle.
- Each bulb shows the number of wires required to turn it on.
- A red light bulb means that the wires are connected more than necessary.
- Just tap the line to remove the wire.
Click Here for All Other All Light’s Levels:
All Light Pack E Level 25 26 27 28 29 30:
All Light Pack E Level 31 32 33 34 35 & 36:
All Levels Index
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